Thursday, February 14, 2008

Celebrity Call Center

A Maritz poll recently put out this question to bank customers:

Which celebrity has the ideal personality to be a call center representative? put together a recap of the results.

There's already been a celebrity Fear Factor, Survivor and The Apprentice. I say it's time now for a new reality series - Celebrity Call Center. Just think about it - celebrities having to show up on time for shifts, dealing with structured times for lunch and breaks, being monitored by QA, being mico-managed by their Supervisor on number of phone calls they handle, being berated on call after call by wacko customers - it would be brutal and great fun to watch. So, if there was a reality TV series, "Celebrity Call Center", which celebrities would you like to see be a part of it? I've put together a list of possibilities - see poll on right side of this page. What's your vote?

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