Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wacko Customers - Don't Let Them Get To You

Wacko customers - aarghhh!! You know what I mean - the kind that are rude, obnoxious and take abusive advantage of the fact that your job is to treat them well. It's not easy to stay calm and professional with these types and even if you keep your cool on the phone with them, it can be hard to shake them after the call. I've seen reps throw down their headsets in frustration and some even cry after being abused by these wacko customers. Rather than throw something or cry, check out this video for a creative and humorous way that a photocopy shop customer service person took out her frustration with "The Worst Customer Ever".

If you don't have time to create a video like this to vent your frustration & stress with wacko customers, read my previous entry on Controlling Call Center Stress for some tips on how to constructively shake these wackos out of your system. I'm sure (or I hope) that your training department has provided you with tips for managing difficult customers while on the phone with them. If not, or, you'd like more tips for handling difficult customers, here's a good summary of techniques to use.

Feel free to submit a comment with your story about a "Your Most Wacko Customer" or "Your Worst Customer Ever" - I'm sure you all have great stories to tell!

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