Friday, January 18, 2008

Until Something Better Comes Along............

Most call center reps just passively ride out their time as a call center rep - just waiting for that dream job or something better to come along. Here's a music video that captures that sentiment.

I like this song – pretty catchy tune, I find myself singing along to it and reminds me of how I felt in my first years working in a call center. Only thing is, once the gal in the video shows up for her job in the call center, she'll probably be sent home in violation of dress code policies.

Yes, being a call center rep can be a pretty crummy job and you'd rather be a rock star, a fashion model, an overnight entrepreneurial success or CEO - but let's get real! No one is going to come knocking on your door and hand you that dream job on a silver platter. You can’t just sit there “until something better comes along”. Comes along from where? From who? You need to go out and get it. If you keep the big picture in mind and take the right approach to your call center rep job, you’ll be surprised at how many opportunities it can actually bring you - maybe even that dream job.

I’ll be posting further entries with tips on how to strategically use your call center rep job to move on to a better position - in just about any career field you want. In the meantime, enjoy the song.

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